Sunday, August 3, 2008

Vegetables Reduce Acne

Vegetables are natural source of vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. Your body needs nutrients for proper growth. Acne is a common disorder affecting majority of people; its cure is easy and safe if you know some basics of acne. Most people consider acne as a fatal disorder that they can not get cured from. Proper skin care and treatment if employed for few weeks will essentially reap visible results.

How you develop acne?

Acne is a disorder of inflammation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Hormonal fluctuation, weak immune system, nutritional deficiencies, microbial activity and fungus infection are the common causes of acne, blackheads and whiteheads. These factors induce the sebaceous glands to produce more sebum. When more sebum is produced, it clogs the hair follicles and mixes with bacteria to form a plaque. Due to clogged hair follicles, sebum can not be discharged from follicles as a result it ruptures the walls of hair follicles or form a bump. The bump is called whitehead if sebum stays inside the bump. If the bump is ruptured, it is called blackheads.

Why vegetables are essential for your body?

Your skin is a living and most exposed organ. Skin faces critical conditions such as extremely harsh weather, physical injury and damage. To be alive, to repair itself and maintain its beauty, it needs proteins and vitamins. Proteins take part in repairing of damaged muscles and tissues. While proteins itself can not repair tissues without vitamins. Vitamins are just like biocatalysts that accelerate the rate of reactions within the body.

Acne is actually a kind of injury to your hair follicles and sebaceous glands by toxic substances during complex chemical reactions.

As we have mentioned above the causes of acne, weak immune system may be destructive to its own body cells.

To help strengthen the immune system, destroy bacterial colonies within hair follicles and repair tissues and muscles, you must take balanced foods.

Although you take lots of proteins in your daily foods that are highly refined and processed, these foods lack vitamins and minerals need to utilize protein rich foods.

At this critical juncture, vegetables and fruits are the best sources of vitamins and minerals. It does not mean to adopt vegan life style and strictly avoid meats, you can eat anything else you want, but always take lots of vegetables to accelerate tissue repairing and healing process.

Vegetables reduce pH:
Every dietary substance has its own pH. The lowest the pH, the more harmful it is and the highest the pH, the more useful it is. Vegetables have far highest pH than meats. Food substances with highest pH are excellent antioxidants and acid neutralizers.

Vegetables that you should eat:

Asparagus, Beans, broccoli, Cabbages, Carrots, Celery, Cauliflower, Cucumber, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Onions, Parsley, Peas, Escarole, Eggplant.


Vegetables are essential for your skin as it contains natural vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals are necessary for healthy growth of skin cells and neutralize the pH of your body. Taking vegetables with processed food is a best natural acne solution.

For More Information about Acne!!!!!! Visit…….

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